6 Races: 5 wins , 1 place.
At 4 Years:
1st Prix Djerba Oua - La Teste Bush - 1900m
1st Prix Nedjari - Toulouse - 2400m
1st Prix de l'AFAC - La Teste Bush - 1900m
At 5 Years:
1st Prix Manganate - Shadwell (Gr.1 PA) - Deauville - 2000m
1st Prix Dragon (Gr.2PA) - Longchamp - 2000m
2nd Qatar Arabian World Cup (Gr.1 PA) - Longchamp - 2000m
1st Dam
ICHRAF(2004), Unraced . Dam of :
Faiza de Monlau(F. 2013, Minjiz)
King Monlau (M. 2015, Jalnar Al Khalidiah), 2 races : 1 win and 1 place
2nd Dam
ICHARA(1996), Raced 13 starts: 2 wins and 7 placed. Dam of :
ISHRAF ( f. 2004, EZIL)
KERKOUAN(M. 2007, Saklawi Jadrane), (2012): 2 wins, 4 places
3rd Dam
AICHA (1975) ,Dam of :
ICHARA ( f. 96, Dormane), (02)7p,5p,5p (01)6p,5p,1p (00)3p,2p,1p,7p,3p (99)2p,3p.
HOOGHLY ( m. 95, Dormane)
GITPEN ( m. 94, Dormane), (00)1p (99)3p,1p,1p,7p,6p (98)3p,3p,2p,2p,2p,2p,1p,1p,9p,4p,2p,3p,3p.
VAZON DE LA COSTE ( h. 87, Cheri Bibi).
4th Dam
FLORINE ( f. 1960, Sumeyr), Dam of:
TOUSTEM, (f. 85, Baroud III) 7 starts, 2 placed PELLA DE LA COSTE ( f. 81, Elaborat), OLYMPE DE LA COSTE ( m. 75, Elaborat) 20 starts, 1 win and 2 placed. AICHA (f. 75, Elaborat).